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Year 5

Welcome Back - Spring Term 2025

Dear parents and carers,

We want to welcome everyone back and wish you a Happy New Year! We hope that you have had a good break and have spent time with your friends and family. 

In History this term, we will be studying 'Vikings vs Anglo-Saxons'. Our geography topic is 'Rivers'. Our science topics are 'Properties of Materials' and 'Animals, including humans'. 

Our PE days are on Tuesday and Friday, although please could you kindly make sure your child has their PE kit in school every day, as timetables are subject to change and some impromptu sport will take place at lunchtimes. Please ensure that all PE kit items are clearly labelled with your child's name.

All children will be given a spelling sheet each Friday which we ask they use to practise their spellings. The spellings are also listed below.  The children will be tested on their spellings the following Friday. As Year 5 children, they are expected to take responsibility for learning their spellings independently, and we encourage them to do this without having to be reminded at home.

Reading Renaissance continues in school daily, but please ensure your child is reading each night at home. The children know the expectation of reading each night and bringing their reading renaissance book to and from school each day.

The children have all now been given a log in and password for their Maths online learning platform - which they have in their Home School Communication Book. The work is set on a Friday and needs to be completed by the following Friday.

Mrs Squires, Mrs Chudley and Mrs Canon will continue supporting many of the children in their learning throughout the year. 

As always, if you have any questions, please do ask, and we will do our best to reply as soon as possible.

Kind regards

Mrs Hindson and Mr Stein

Class Charter

Autumn Term Pace Planner

Spring Term Pace Planner

Long Term Plan
