Year 6
Spring Term:
Happy New Year. Welcome back to the Spring Term.
As pupils continue their final year at Bickleigh Down, we will be encouraging them to keep working hard and trying their best at all times. This term, the children will be finding out which secondary school they will be moving to in September, which is an exciting time but can be worrying for some. Our aim will continue to be to make the transition process as stress free as possible. Yes, it is a very busy time and we have high expectations but this will ensure that all the children reach their full potential and achieve all that they are capable of. If your child is struggling to cope in any way, or if you are worried about them, please encourage them to speak to Mrs Wills, who offers excellent pastoral support. They can just put their name in the cheerful checker in their classroom and she will make time for them.
More information about the curriculum we will be covering, in all subject areas, can be found on the Pace Planners below.
Homework is set for English and Maths every Monday and should be completed by the following Monday. Homework MUST be completed by all children but they should be encouraged to complete it independently as part of their preparation for secondary school. Most homework for this term will require internet access at home. If this proves difficult, time will be made available during a lunch time for children to complete the work in school. Alternatively, a printed version can be made available on request. Spellings are tested each week and children are expected to show that they have learned their spellings daily. Lists are sent home at the beginning of the term, and a copy is also available below.
Indoor and outdoor PE takes place on a Wednesday and a Thursday, but children should ensure that their PE kit is in school at all times as changes to the timetable may occur and extra sport is often added in break times.
Please make sure that all items of clothing, PE kits, shoes, water bottles, lunchboxes etc. are clearly named so that any lost equipment can be returned. We have had several cases of broken water bottles when they are dropped in school. Please don’t send your child with a glass water bottle as this can be dangerous if broken.
Thank you for visiting the website and for your continued support with your child’s learning.
The Year 6 Team
Year Six Residential
Friday 27th September 2024
For the final full day of activities, the highlight, at least for Mr Stein, was the challenge course. Throughout the day, all 48 children tackled the obstacles whilst being sprayed with a hose and negotiating varying amounts of mud. Some liked this a lot more than others! At least it meant they all had a thorough shower before the disco!
Other activities included the Sensory Trail, Orienteering, Zip Line, Problem-solving and climbing.
Finally, the week was rounded off with a silent disco.
Thursday 26th September 2024 Update
Wednesday morning started dry, but dull, as we all tucked into another full breakfast to fuel up for the morning ahead. The rain came later in the morning and there were some very soggy children by lunchtime. However, a warming pasta lunch cheered us all up and the sun came out in the afternoon.
Throughout the day, all the groups went surfing at Westward Ho! The sea was quite warm and the surf perfect for learning. Many of the children managed to stand on their boards, others just bobbed about in the shallows. The biggest challenge proved to be the walk back up the beach with the surfboards!
All the children also learnt the basics of fencing and had several spars with different opponents to practise their skills using light weight foils, but still in the safety of helmets and breastplates.
Two of the groups also had to challenge themselves on the trapeze, but they nearly all managed it, which was a great achievement.
The evening ended with songs and marshmallow toasting around the campfire, which was a lovely way to round off the evening. They all went to bed tired but happy and have had another settled night to be ready for their final day of activities...
Wednesday 25th September 2024 Update
We are really sorry that no photos can be uploaded: the Internet here is so poor, it won't connect at all. Photos will be uploaded when we return on Friday, but, meanwhile, here's a short summary so far...
After an early start (very early for some!) we kicked off day two with a cooked breakfast, cereal, toast and fruit. All the children are eating really well but are still asking, 'Is it lunchtime next?' halfway through the morning! Clearly, all this fresh air is good for their appetites.
Throughout the day, the groups all completed four activities. They all tried shelter building, whittling and making fire with flint and steel in 'Survivor' and all groups have now completed the 'High Ropes', which has proved really popular. Everyone has challenged themselves to have a go and, even those anxious about heights, have achieved more than they expected. It's lovely to see them being so supportive of each other and showing our school vision, spurring each other on, even away from the school building.
The evening activity last night was 'Ambush', which is a big game of hide and seek in the dark.
Some very tired children hit the showers last night and the settling process was much easier for us!
After a good night's rest, let's see what today brings.
Tuesday 24th September 2024
Apologies for the lack of photos of the children. I am afraid there is no internet at all on site, so I am unable to post any.
We arrived at Beam House just before lunch after a good journey here. We were met by our groupie, Tom, and shown around the site.
After a delicious lunch of pizza and chips, we all separated, going to our group activities: archery, problem-solving, zip wire and high ropes. This evening, we tried (and failed) to stop a water balloon from breaking when dropped from a first floor window. Everyone has eaten well and taken part in all the activities. A good first day, but I wonder how much sleep we will manage tonight?!
Thank you for visiting the Year 6 Page.