Welcome to Foundation.
Happy New Year
This term our topics are ‘Terrific Tales’ and ‘Ticket to Ride’.
In the first half of term the children will be looking at various familiar fairy tales. The role play will be a home and then a theatre where we will be encouraging the children to retell the stories, dress up as the characters, make up dances and really immerse themselves in the stories. We will be ending the topic with a Fairy Tale Ball where the children are invited to come in to school dressed as their favourite fairy tale character. More details will follow shortly.
In the second half of term we will be looking at where we live and comparing this to various countries around the world. The children will have the opportunity to taste different foods, speak different languages and learn about the cultures of other countries.
We will also be having ‘child initiated weeks’ where the children get to choose the topic we are basing our work on that week. These weeks are a great opportunity to cover topics that we wouldn’t usually think to cover, to encourage writing from children who wouldn’t usually choose to write and to have a lot of fun following the children’s interests. We will let you know in our weekly letters when these weeks are and the topics the children have chosen.
If you would like to speak to any member of the foundation team please do not hesitate to catch us in the morning, after school or by writing in your child’s home school diary.
Please feel free to approach any member of the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) team with any questions or queries.
Mrs Vanstone - Blue Bears Teacher
Angela Greenslade – Blue Bears Teaching Assistant
Sarah O’Toole – Red Bears Teacher and Foundation Stage Leader
Christine Bond – Red Bears Teaching Assistant
Mr Harden - Blue Bears teacher and PPA teacher
Miss Freeman - PPA teacher