School Uniform
- Mid-Grey (not black) trousers (not jogger bottoms or leggings), knee length shorts, skirt or pinafore (required)
- Blouse, shirt or polo shirt in plain white (required)
- Burgundy checked or striped school uniform type dress (optional)
- Burgundy pullover or sweatshirt (required), with the school logo (optional)
- Socks/tights should be plain grey, white or black (no logos)
For P.E.
- Black Shorts or Leotard (required)
- T-Shirt in the appropriate house colour (required). These are available from Trutex and The Schoolwear Shop with the school logo (optional)
- Black Plimsolls (required for FS and KS1)
- Trainers (required for Y3-6)
- Football boots (Y3-6) – Teachers will notify you if these are required
- A plain (no logos) black or dark blue tracksuit is recommended for outside P.E./games in very cold weather (required)
- Foundation only – spare pants and socks in PE bags (required)
- Foundation only – Wellington Boots, named with a peg to keep them together (required)
All children should wear plain black low-heeled shoes with a fastening strap (not trainers or boots) to school (required). Slip on shoes are not permitted for safety reasons. During the summer term, children may choose to wear blue, red, white or black sandals (no open toes or sling-backs). A change of footwear for outside P.E. and Games is essential as in inclement weather dirty/wet shoes will have to be removed before re-entering school. For safety reasons, it is also essential that all pupils have studded footwear when using the field.
For safety reasons, children should not wear baggy clothes for P.E. Jewellery must not be worn to school with the exception of plain gold or silver ear-studs if ears are pierced. Children must only wear a single ear-piercing - two earrings in one ear are not permitted. These need to be removed for PE lessons as we no longer allow children to use tape to cover earrings. An analogue watch is permissible but we do not allow children to wear digital or smartwatches. No nail varnish or make-up of any description should be worn in school. All long hair should be worn tied back. Extreme haircuts are not acceptable. This includes hairstyles where the sides are much shorter than the top, lines and patterns shaved into the hair and shaved heads. Natural hair colour is encouraged. Highlights and hair dye, tipped or dipped hair are not allowed. All children are expected to wear their hair in a plain style without the use of styling products. Hair clips, bands and fastenings should be plain.
Trutex Schoolwear: