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Parental Feedback

We value parental feedback.  Please contact the school if you wish to provide feedback either by email, in writing or by phoning the school.  

Parent / Carer Survey July 2023


Areas for development

  • High numbers of pupils are happy at this school.
  • A high percentage of parents say their child feels safe in school.
  • High numbers of parents feel that the school has high expectations and that their child is doing well in school.
  • A high percentage of parents think there is a good range of subjects on offer in school.
  • The vast majority of parents agree that their child can take part in clubs and activities. 
  • High numbers of parents think the school supports their child’s wider personal development.
  • A high percentage of parents would recommend this school to another parent. 
  • Parents of pupils with SEND agree that the school gives them the support they need to succeed.
  • Many parents don’t know whether their child has been bullied or if this has been dealt with effectively.  We need to ensure that parents know what bullying is and how it is dealt with in school. 
  • Some parents do not perceive that the school makes them aware of what their child will learn.  We need to look at the information shared in class newsletters and on the website to ensure the intended learning is outlined clearly for parents.
  • A small number of parents don’t agree that their concerns have been dealt with.  We need to look at whether this is linked to a particular key stage or year group and identify the potential reasons for this.

Survey Data

  • Ofsted Parent View Please use the link to provide Ofsted with feedback on your child's school.