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Church School Distinctiveness

At Bickleigh Down Church of England Primary School, we aim to provide children with safe, caring environment where every pupil is encouraged to reach their full potential in all aspects of school life.  Our strong Christian vision based on Hebrews 10:24 ‘and let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds’ ensures that every child has the opportunity to be the best that they can be.  Just like the Hebrews needed encouragement from the writer to spur each other on to be more Christlike in their actions, we recognise that children and staff thrive in a supportive and caring environment where all are spurred on to be the best that they can be.  Our school vision covers the following four strands:

  • Enabling all pupils to flourish and achieve their academic potential (Wisdom, knowledge and skills)
  • Encouraging all pupils to stretch themselves spiritually, morally, intellectually, imaginatively and actively, and to aspire to be well-educated (Hope and aspiration)
  • Growing together in community (Community and living well together)
  • Valuing the ultimate worth of each individual pupil (Dignity and respect)

The school has a set of core Christian values that firmly link with our vision.  The values support all children in the school to live out our vision through their learning and relationships in school.

Christian Value

Linked passage from scripture

How does this value link to our school’s Christian vision?


Mark 12:31

31 The second commandment is this ‘Love your neighbour as yourself. ’There is no commandment greater than these.”


As a school we spur each other on with love just as the Hebrews were asked to do.


Matthew 6:14

For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

To spur each other on we have to be right with each other and forgive so that we can move on as a community.


Jeremiah 29:11


11 For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


By spurring each other on, we hope for a better future, just as Paul hoped for more for the Hebrews.


Galatians 5:22-23

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.


We recognise that we have to be confident with what makes us who we are in order to spur one another on with love.


Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength

We aspire to spur each other on with love even when things are tough.  We have aspirational targets for one another.

We are Excellent! Read our SIAMS report on the Performance page of this website.

Find out more about how we are distinctive as a Church of England school by clicking on the following links...

Head over to our Charity and Courageous Advocacy pages to find out more about how we are being courageous advocates...

Living out our school vision in the community

The children at Bickleigh Down C of E Primary School have been thinking of ways to spur members of our community on during these unprecedented times.  The children have made cards to say thank you and encourage our workers at Tesco and Lidl.  They have also sent cards and pictures to  patients who are currently in Derriford Hospital's Intensive Care Unit.  The children are also planning to make a banner to tell the community that they are thinking of them during the lockdown.

Living out our value of 'Spirit'

James in Year 2 lived out our school value of Spirit this week when he took part in a football match at Home Park Stadium.  The match was held on the pitch and James even scored a goal.  Well done James, we are really proud of you.

Getting Creative

The children wanted a banner to share our school vision and values with visitors to the school.  They also thought it would be helpful to have the words of our vision to focus on during reflection time in Collective Worship.  Groups of children worked with Mrs Crane to create some bunting that shared our Christian vision and values.