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Admission to Reception 2025 Meeting Information Poster

  • School Admissions If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.

The following amendments were made in August 2021 to the determined policy for 2021-2022 to comply with the revised School Admissions Code 2021: priority for children adopted from state care outside England was added to oversubscription criterion 1; wording added to reflect that decisions on in-year admissions must be sent to a parent within 15 school days; provision added for Hard to Place children; advice added regarding applications for overseas children.

The following amendments were made in August 2021 to the determined policy for 2022-2023 to comply with the revised School Admissions Code 2021: priority for children adopted from state care outside England was added to oversubscription criterion 1; wording added to reflect that decisions on in-year admissions must be sent to a parent within 15 school days; provision added for Hard to Place children; advice added regarding applications for overseas children.

Admissions Policy 2023-2024

Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Admissions Policy 2025-2026

The 2025-2026 proposed Admissions Policy was determined by the Governing Body on 11 January 2024.

  • Our School Click on the link to view films of the school and Foundation Stage.